Call Tommy’s Tree Service in Culpeper, Virginia for expert tree trimming and removal.
Homeowners and business owners alike trust our tree trimmer to remove unwanted trees. We have the knowledge and expertise needed to answer any of your questions and concerns. Tommy's Tree Service is licensed, insured and we have liability and workers comp insurance coverage.
If you are selling your home or commercial property, you might consider cleaning up the exterior to remove trees that block a clear view of the beautiful scenery, or trees that just look messy and unsightly. A manicured look is always more pleasing to the eye and can potentially increase the value of your property. Coming home to a park-like setting is always a pleasure.
Because your satisfaction is our number one goal, we work hard to maintain solid working relationships. If you want the job done right the first time, give the professionals at Tommy’s Tree Service a call today!
Our trimmers specialize in storm damage and 24 hour emergency service. Let our expert trimmer get rid of your unsightly stumps or hazardous trees today. We handle all large or small residential or commercial jobs. Our family owned and operated company has more than 20 years of experience and we do insurance work and offer a 10 percent senior discount.